Довгострокова торгівля
Довгостроковий торговий шлях вважається найбільш передбачуваним у технічному сенсі. Річ у тому, що тривалі цінові тенденції мають властивість тривати та бути стійкими досить тривалий час. Відсутність шуму (частих дрібних цінових коливань) р...
Середньострокова торгівля
Середньострокова торгівля - торгівля на середньострокових інтервалах від декількох днів до 1-2 місяців. Перевага середньострокової торгівлі в тому, що ви можете успішно торгувати та одночасно займатися іншими справами. Психологічно сприймає...
Автоматична торгівля
Автоматизована торгівля - останній крок становлення трейдера. Якщо людина здатна не тільки створити власну торгову стратегію, а й запрограмувати її правильно і зробити її працездатною - фінансова незалежність йому забезпечена.Що таке автома...
Середньодобовий вид торговельної стратегії для пари EUR/JPY
Середньодобовий вид торгової стратегії складається з певних кроків перед укладанням угоди: аналізу, постановки конкретних цілей, розміщення ордерів, виконання угоди. Особливість такої стратегії полягає в тому, що вся угода залежить від зазд...
Графік типу "хрестики-нулики"
Графіки типу хрестики-нулики мають дві основні відмінності від традиційних діаграм. По-перше, звичайні діаграми будуються на часових інтервалах, незалежно від того, відбувалися зміни цін чи ні. На графіці хрестики-нулики нова відмітка стави...
Смуги Боллінджера
Концепція смуг Боллінджера дуже схожа з концепцією конвертів ковзних середніх, розглянутих у попередньому розділі, і використовується для визначення оптимальних точок відкриття позицій на Форекс та інших фінансових ринках. Але, на відміну в...
Scalping is a differential trading method designed to profit form small price changes. It can be applied in any market, but it is especially effective on Forex as the most liquid and dynamic market.Scalping is a trading strategy that involv...
As a rule, market participants are divided into several groups, each of them prefer their own trading methods. It is hard to say what is the exact ratio of supporters of various methods. However, we tend to think that most traders stick to...
Intraday trading is believed to be one of the most complicated types of Forex trading and, at the same time, the most widely used by independent traders. This trading system suggests opening and closing positions on Forex within one day, i....
Long-term trading is considered the most predictable trading strategy from the technical point of view. The thing is that long-term trends tend to continue and remain stable over a long period of time. The absence of noise (frequent small p...
Locking is a type of a hedging strategy aimed at minimizing risks associated with changes in markets behaviour. The difference between hedging and locking is that hedging is used for different trading instruments, while locking is used for...
The news trading strategy represents one of the trading methods based on the idea that news moves the market. The release of positive news results in rising prices, while negative news makes them fall. In this approach, any factors that aff...
The medium-term trading strategy is a method based on medium-term time frames that range from several days to 1-2 months. The advantage of medium-term trading is that you can trade successfully doing other things at the same time. This stra...
There is no single opinion about the scalping trading strategy. However, more and more traders are getting interested in this method. Why does scalping look so appealing? Probably because it is one of the few ways to make a quick profit on...
The Elliott Wave Theory was once quite popular and remains widely-used to this day. However, every popular theory undergoes various modifications and additions. A good example of this is a complex mixture of the Chaos Theory and the Wave th...
Automated trading is the final step on the path of becoming a trader. If a trader is able not only to create his own trading strategy, but also to code it properly and make it workable, then his/her financial independence is guaranteed.What...
The average daily trading strategy consists of certain steps, including analysis, setting certain targets, placing orders, and executing a deal. The main idea of such a strategy is that the trade depends on the analysis that you have carrie...
When you develop a long-term trading strategy for EUR/JPY, it will be useful to look at the trading history of this currency pair in the past few years.So, if you look at the weekly chart of the EUR/JPY, you will notice continuous growth fr...
The “secret” of this trading strategy is that the shorter the duration of your trade, the less money you will make.Think about any investment you have ever made. Did you make a killing in one day?And even if you are so lucky, how many times...
The Company reserves the right to cancel bonus without prior warning, so we strongly recommend not to use bonus funds in calculation of profit in your trading strategy. The Company is not responsible for any consequences of bonus’s cancella...
As we have already mentioned, an individual trader gets access to Forex by means of a broker or a dealing company. Traders earn money via currency speculations. In other words, they close positions at a higher price compared to the price of...
The company reserves the right to cancel the 55% bonus without prior warning, so we strongly recommend refraining from use of bonus funds in developing your trading strategy. The company is not responsible for any consequences of bonus canc...
The Company reserves the right to cancel bonus without notice, for that reason, it is strongly recommended not to include bonus in calculations of trading strategy profitability. The Company is not liable for any consequences of bonus cance...
According to the Paragraph 7 of Agreement on 55% Bonus "The Company reserves the right to cancel the 55% Bonus without prior notice. For that reason, we strongly recommend that you refrain from factoring in bonus funds when calculating prof...