Що таке Форекс?
Де я можу дізнатися про торгівлю на Форекс?Ви можете відвідати роздiл Початківцям на нашому сайтi, де ви знайдете багато корисної інформації про ринок Forex, завантажити торгову платформу та відкрити демо-рахунок. Торгівля на демо-рахунку т...
Глава 15. Чим Форекс відрізняється від казино?
В Інтернеті можна знайти безліч статей, в яких торгівля на Форекс порівнюється з грою в казино, перш за все з рулеткою. Автори цих статей наводять різні докази, цитуючи математичні витяги з підручників з теорії ймовірності. При цьому найчас...
Глава 3. Позначення валют на ринку Форекс
На традиційному роздрібному ринку ми продаємо товари за гроші. А як йдуть справи на валютному ринку Форекс, де самі гроші є товаром? Все просто: на ринку Форекс ми торгуємо однією валютою щодо іншої, а це означає, що кілька одиниць однієї в...
Індикатор — це сигналізація ринку, визначення зміни будь-якоїтенденції. Ви можете використовувати різні індикатори технічного аналізу при роботі на валютній або фондовій біржі, але понад три використовувати не рекомендується. Для кращ...
Hedging is the parctice of protecting client's funds from unfavorable price fluctuations by opening a position in a contrary or opposing market. Hedging: ensures protection from possible losses by the time of forward deal settlement; provid...
The purpose of swing trading is to catch gains in the long term. This is the main difference between this method and intraday trading. Swing traders take profit every 3 to 5 days. The majority of the world's most successful traders use this...
The price is not the only weighty factor to be considered while analyzing Forex market. Besides the currency exchange rate, its trading volume plays an important role, too.There is the postulate of the Dow Theory that tells that the trend m...
Another type of [[Moving Averages|moving average]] is the Exponential Moving Average (EMA). It can be considered as weighted MA which weights are decreasing exponentially with the remoteness of the trading period taken for calculation start...
Until the 1970s, the exchange rate of a particular currency was determined by the country's gold reserves. That was due to the fact that global markets were regulated by the gold standard. Each currency had its equivalent in a troy ounce. H...
It is vital to understand what part a private investor plays in the global currency exchange market before starting trading forex. Giving an insight into the types of forex participants, as well as their influence on the market, will help y...
Forex trading is aimed at making money on currency speculations. We have been describing the currency market above but avoided such topics as what starting capital is needed to work on Forex and what profit can be expected. In this chapter...
In the previous chapter we compared work on Forex with the opportunity to earn from the buy/sell operations at an exchange office. It is obvious that Forex has a range of advantages that allow traders to take significant profit in a short t...
We have thoroughly considered the basic terms used on Forex and the main principles of margin trading. It is the time to study how to calculate profit and loss of the opened trades. We know that a trader enters the international currency ma...
There are many articles on the internet in which trading on Forex is compared to gambling in casinos, and in particular, to roulette. The authors of these articles bring out different proofs, citing mathematical extracts from the theory of...
Even though this section is devoted to forex education, we will also touch on the stock exchanges and stock indices. At first glance, it seems that the chapter is not related to Forex, but, in fact, it is. Currency rates are interrelated wi...
As we have already found out from previous chapters, the currency price is determined by a great variety of factors, such as: economic, political and some others. All listed factors concerning each country separately influence its national...