Trend Line
Garis lurus, yang menghubungkan dua tahap rendah bersebelahan, menunjukkan penyebut kekuatan minimum pada trend menaik; dan garis, yang menghubungkan dua tahap tinggi bersebelahan, menunjukkan penyebut kekuatan terendah pada trend menurun....
The trend exists as long as prices maintain the tendency to rise and to fall through time. When the trend is uprising, every following support and resistance level exceeds the preceding. During the downtrend every following level of low and...
A straight line, connecting two neighboring lows, shows the minimal strength denominator of bulls; and the line, connecting two neighbouring tops, shows the lowest strength denominator of bears. These lines are called trend lines. Trend lin...
As time goes by, the speed of price movement within a trend can change. It can increase which corresponds to the bigger angle of the [[Trend Lines|trend line]], or decrease and make the [[Trend Lines|trend line]] not that steep. In these ca...