Stop loss
Stop loss, atau pesanan keselamatan, adalah pesanan yang dilakukan dengan broker untuk menutup kedudukan secara automatik ketika harga mencapai tahap tertentu. Anda boleh menetapkan pesanan keselamatan untuk mengurangkan kerugian sekiranya...
Apakah syarat-syarat dagangan bagi peraduan Real Scalping?
1. Peserta menerima akaun DEMO yang dipertandingkan setelah mendaftar dalam peraduan. 2. Deposit minimum adalah AS$20,000.00 untuk semua peserta dan tidak boleh diubah. 3. Leverage adalah 1:500. 4. Semua pesanan yang dibuka p...
Soalan Lazim mengenai keadaan perdagangan
Bolehkah saya memperdagangkan CFD pada saham Amerika dalam akaun demo? Akaun demo tidak menyediakan perdagangan CFD. Untuk berdagang CFD, anda harus membuka akaun langsung Menurut laman web, kadar faedah tahunan 6% terakru pada margin bebas...
Mengapakah bonus Kupon dibatalkan?
Syarikat berhak untuk membatalkan bonus tanpa pemberitahuan, kerana itu, sangat disarankan untuk tidak memasukkan bonus dalam pengiraan keuntungan strategi perdagangan. Syarikat tidak bertanggungjawab atas apa-apa akibat pembatalan bonus, t...
Adakah situasi boleh berlaku apabila permintaan pendanaan semula oleh pelabur dapat menyebabkan Stop Out serta merta di akaun pedagang PAMM?
Sekiranya saham pelabur di akaun pedagang melebihi 90% dan mempunyai sedikit dari mereka atau hanya seorang pelabur - maka keadaan seperti itu boleh berlaku. Tetapi sistem PAMM menerima dana untuk mengurus dari beratus-ratus pelabur PAMM ya...
Stop out is an order generated by the server to force close a position in a trading account when the Margin level reaches 10% or less. To become familiar with the Stop out conditions, please follow "For traders" - "Trading conditions" - Acc...
Trading conditions applied to accounts participating in Great Race 2020 are the following:1. A participant receives a DEMO account after registration in the contest.2. The minimum deposit is 100,000 USD for all participants and cannot be ch...
If the investors' share on the trader's account exceeds 90% and there are few of them or just one investor - then such situation can happen. But the PAMM system accepts funds for managing from hundreds of PAMM investors providing the possib...
1. A contestant receives a DEMO account after registration in the contest.2. The minimum deposit is 30,000.00 USD or all participants and cannot be changed.3. Leverage is 1:500.4. All orders opened at non-market prices are subject to cancel...
The Company reserves the right to cancel bonus without prior warning, so we strongly recommend not to use bonus funds in calculation of profit in your trading strategy. The Company is not responsible for any consequences of bonus’s cancella...
1. A contestant receives a DEMO account after registration in the contest.2. The minimum deposit is 40,000 USD or all participants and cannot be changed.3. Leverage is 1:500.4. All orders opened at non-market prices are subject to cancellat...
1. A participant receives a DEMO account after registration in the contest.2. The minimum deposit is 10,000 USD for all participants and cannot be changed.3. Leverage is 1:500.4. Orders opened at non-market prices are subject to cancellatio...
The 55% bonus can be withdrawn only after BUY or SELL trades are completed. The total volume of the trades shall be equal to X*6 InstaForex lots, where X – the total volume of received bonuses (the total volume of all bonuses including canc...
The company reserves the right to cancel the 55% bonus without prior warning, so we strongly recommend refraining from use of bonus funds in developing your trading strategy. The company is not responsible for any consequences of bonus canc...
The Company reserves the right to cancel bonus without notice, for that reason, it is strongly recommended not to include bonus in calculations of trading strategy profitability. The Company is not liable for any consequences of bonus cance...
1. A participant receives a competitive DEMO account after registration in the contest.2. The minimum deposit is 20,000.00 USD for all participants and cannot be changed.3. Leverage is 1:500.4. All orders open at non-market prices are subje...
1. A participant receives a DEMO account after registration in the contest.2. The minimum deposit is 10,000 USD for all participants and cannot be changed.3. Leverage is 1:500.4. Orders opened at non-market prices are subject to cancellatio...
Can I trade CFDs on American shares in a demo account? A demo account does not provide CFDs trading. In order to trade CFDs, you should open a live account According to the website, a 6% annual interest rate is accrued on th...
According to the Paragraph 7 of Agreement on 55% Bonus "The Company reserves the right to cancel the 55% Bonus without prior notice. For that reason, we strongly recommend that you refrain from factoring in bonus funds when calculating prof...