Hasil Pencarian
Moving average convergence divergence
Moving average convergence divergence (MACD) adalah sebuah indikator teknis yang mengikuti tren indikator dinamis. Ini menunjukkan hubungan antara dua rata-rata pergerakan dari harga aset.Indikator teknis MACD dihitung dengan mengurangi rat...
Indeks, atau indeks saham, adalah indikator gabungan harga aset milik kelompok tertentu (sekuritas, komoditas, derivatif), yang disebut Stock Basket.Biasanya, angka indeks tidak penting karena indeks berubah seiring waktu, dan perubahan ini...
Bab 17 Bursa saham dan indeks saham
Bursa saham dan indeks sahamWalaupun subjek utama pada seksi ini adalah edukasi Forex, namun kita akan membahas bursa saham dan index saham terlebig dahulu dalam chapter ini. Sekilas, sepertinya chapter ini tidak berhubungan dengan Forex, t...
DMI (Directional Movement Index)
DIndeks Pergerakan Terarah (DMI) dikembangkan oleh J. Welles Wilder, Jr. Karakteristik Indikator tersebut menunjukkan trend dan kekuatannya, serta menunjukkan kemungkinan pembalikan harga. Skala dari 0 hingga 100% digunakan untuk...
Garis Tren
Sebuah garis lurus, menghubungkan dua kerendahan, menunjukkan denominator kekuatan minimal dari bulls; dan garis, menghubungkan dua ketinggian, menunjukkan denominator kekuatan terendah dari bears. Garis-garis ini disebut dengan garis tren....
Bab 18 Komoditas mata uang dalam Forex
Komoditas pada pasar ForexSeperti yang telah kita pelajari di chapter sebelumnya, harga mata uang ditentukan oleh banyak faktor besar, seperti: faktor ekonomi, faktor politik, dan faktor-faktor lainnya. Seluruh faktor mengenai negara berdam...
Hasil pencarian untuk pencarian bahasa Inggris (9)
The Dow theory is a theory describing the stocks prices behavior with time. The theory is based on a series of publications by Charles H. Dow (1851-1902), an American journalist, the first editor of 'The Wall Street Journal' and one of the...
The index is developed by J. Welles Wilder, Jr.CharacteristicsThe indicator spots the trend and its strength, as well as points at the possible price reversals. The scale from 0 to 100% is used to measure the trend. The positive line is def...
A straight line, connecting two neighboring lows, shows the minimal strength denominator of bulls; and the line, connecting two neighbouring tops, shows the lowest strength denominator of bears. These lines are called trend lines. Trend lin...
There is no company, which gives bank guarantees providing Forex services. InstaForex has hundreds of thousands clients all over the world and they trust the company. Some time ago we offered bank guarantee but due to the world financial cr...
Index, or a stock index, is a composite indicator of prices of assets belonging to a particular group (securities, commodities, derivatives), a so-called stock basket.As a rule, the readings of indices are not as important as the index chan...
The minimum deposit is $1. ...
Due to technical faults, not all instruments can be traded on MT5 accounts. The whole range of trading instruments will be available in the near future. ...
Even though this section is devoted to forex education, we will also touch on the stock exchanges and stock indices. At first glance, it seems that the chapter is not related to Forex, but, in fact, it is. Currency rates are interrelated wi...
As we have already found out from previous chapters, the currency price is determined by a great variety of factors, such as: economic, political and some others. All listed factors concerning each country separately influence its national...