To change payment requisites in your Personal Account, please follow these steps:
Go to your Personal Account at link
Log in using your trading account number and Trader password.
In the left menu, select "Financial Operations".
In the "Change Requisites" section, fill out the "Change Payment Requisites" form.
Fill out the "Change Payment Requisites" form with the following mandatory fields:
Full name
Date of birth
Place of residence (must be confirmed by a document)
Type of document (passport, foreign passport, identification card, sailor's passport, residence permit)
Passport/ID data (code/series, number)
Issuing authority of the passport/ID
Payment system used to deposit funds to the trading account
Requisites used to deposit funds
Reason for changing the requisites
New payment system for depositing funds to the trading account
New requisites used to deposit funds
A photo of the identity document confirming the identity.
Check all fields for accuracy and check the box to agree to the use of new requisites for withdrawing funds from your account.
Click "Submit".
After completing all these steps, the application for changing payment requisites will be sent for processing. Usually, changing the requisites takes from several hours to several days, depending on the payment provider.
If you have any additional questions, please contact us at