CHFHKD (Franc Swiss vs Dolar Hong Kong). Nilai tukar dan grafik online.
Konverter mata uang
21 Mar 2025 16:36
Harga penutupan, hari sebelumnya.
Harga pembukaan.
Harga tertinggi pada hari transaksi terakhir.
Harga terendah pada hari transaksi terakhir
Nilai total perusahaan dalam pasar saham. Umumnya dihitung dengan menggandakan saham-saham yang beredang dengan harga saham saat itu.
Jumlah saham yang dipegang oleh para investor dan insider perusahaan, diluar sekuritas dilutif (dilutive securities) seperti non-vested RSU dan unexercised options.
The CHF/HKD currency pair is the cross rate against the U.S. dollar, which is not very popular on Forex market. As you can see, the U.S. dollar is not present in this currency pair, but it still greatly affects CHF/HKD. Just combine the USD/CHF and USD/HKD charts in the same price chart and you will get the approximate CHF/HKD chart, which proves graphically their interdependence.
Both currencies are under the strong influence from the U.S. dollar. Therefore, for a better forecasting of the future movement of this currency pair, you need to keep in mind the major indicators of the U.S. economy. These indicators include the interest rate, GDP, unemployment, new workplaces indicator and others. Please note that the Swiss franc and the Hong Kong dollar can react in a different way on changes in the economic situation of the United States.
The Swiss economy has been highly developed for several centuries. Thus, the Swiss franc is known as one the most reliable and stable of the world currencies. Because of the reason that this currency is the safest for the capital investment, that is the reason for the capital inflows to this country during the time of the economic crisis, which provokes the sharp increase of the Swiss franc value against other currencies. Don’t forget this peculiarity of the Swiss economy while trading this financial instrument.
To date, the Hong Kong dollar value is attached to the U.S. dollar. The rate of the U.S. dollar against the Hong Kong dollar is from 7.75 to 7.85.
Hong Kong has one of the largest stock exchanges in the world. Thanks to some factors, Hong Kong leaves behind the number of the major European and American stock exchanges. Today the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is regarded as a leader among the financial centers all over the world.
The economy of Hong Kong is characterized by the free trade, low tax rates and the government policy of the non-interference in the state economy. Because of its shortage in mineral and food resources, the economy of this country is highly dependent from these factors. The state revenue is provided by the service sector, the reexport from China and the well developed tourism sector.
In comparison with the major currency pairs such as EUR/USD, USD/CHF, GBP/USD and USD/JPY, this one is relatively illiquid. So when you predict the future movement of this currency pair, you should pay special attention to the currency pairs that consist of the Swiss franc and the Hong Kong dollar in tandem with the U.S. dollar.
Please remember that the spread for cross currency pairs is usually higher than for the more popular ones. Therefore, before dealing with the cross rates read and understand the broker’s conditions for this specified trade instrument.
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